Tonights class went really well and we got done almost an hour quicker than we normally do, but somehow I still didn't get home till 9:30'ish...just that chatter we have at the end.
If you enjoy seeing these pages, please be sure to leave a comment. We have had some younger scrappers join us the last few weeks and we have totally enjoyed them. Here is this weeks layout.
If you own a Cricut, here is an excellent software that allows you to cut
any True Type font with your machine, as well as many cliparts can now be
traced within the program turning them into an svg format, this feature alone
makes getting SCAL2 worth it as you will never need to purchase any carts.
There are thousands of files out there for you to download for free or for a
small fee that you can cut with your Cricut. I must say I use this software for
almost every layout I have done when using my Cricut. I actually use it more
than cartridges....don't tell Provo :)
Free Counter
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